Construction dates
- 1970
- Sir Thomas Hiley approached State Government to offer the State financial assistance of the newly formed Bird and Wildfowl Society in support of a particular project or projects related to wildfowl conservation.
- 1977s
- Sir Thomas Hiley fund established for the purpose of funding a project which would contribute to the preservation and public observation of native bird species in their natural environment.
- Initial proposal was for development of a suitable site at Kippa-Ring, Brisbane.
- Other developments in the vicinity of this site made the project inoperable.
- Subsequent proposal was for development of the "Kinaba Wetland Area" of Cooloola National Park.
- Initially approx $100 000 was raised by Sir Hiley and associates to fund project.
- Estimated cost of building was approx $200 000.
- $50 000 made available by special Treasury Grant to be spent in one financial year.
- QNPWS provided additional funding - by January 1979, QPNPWS had contributed $180 033.
- Qld Works Department provided architectural design assistance, planning, calling of tenders and supervision of project.
- 1978
- In May work began on construction. Robertson Brothers, Gympie building contractors gained contract for building. Employed 20 men on building of Centre.
- 168 piles were sunk to 4.5 to 5 metres, framework build to Spotted Gum with horizontal 6x1 Cypress tongue and groove.
- 16th September Centre opened (not completed).
- 1979
- opened to public in March.
- Bird and Wildfowl Society contributed $73 000 to the project.
Management and visitation
- 1979 -2000
- 2 National Parks Rangers on site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
- The reasons for their presence were:
- meet and greet visitors and tour boats
- answer enquiries and questions
- provide school intepretative talks to majority of visiting schools
- take weather recordings and visitor counts
- deliver key conservation messages
- make and share nature notes
- regular patrols conducted along Upper Noosa River and Everglades
- building, jetty and walkways, and grounds maintenance
- since 2000
- no daily staff presence
- only basic maintenance
- shift in QPWS focus to beach compliance
- 2005-2010
- 53 847 campers
- day trippers would far outweigh campers
Proposal to re-invigorate and restore Kinaba Information Centre
- 2011
- At a public meeting in July, many Boreen Point community members voted to form Friends of Kinaba and deliver a proposal to the Department of Environment and Resource Management, offering to re-invigorate and restore Kinaba Information Centre, staffing it voluntarily for the dissemination of conservation information to visitors, and retaining this public asett for the benefit of the public.
- Steering Committe of Friends of Kinaba formed to hold regular meetings and gather information and supporting documentation and networks to make the proposal to DERM.
- Began to hold picnics at Kinaba to remind visitors and the local community that Sir Thomas Hiley Information Centre is available for the public to enjoy
- 2012
- In June, after many meetings and much community support our porposal was finalized and forwarded to Department of Environment and Resource Management.
- NICA (Noosa Intergrated Catchment Authority) offered to auspice our group, offering volunteer insurance and extended networks.
- Support also from Queensland Parks Association, Noosa Parks Association, Noosa Biosphere, Boreen Point CCA, Boreen Point Sailing Club, Noosa Landcare, Cooloola Coastcare, and members of the Boreen Point Community.
- Word from the Minister, Steve Dickson, that soon there would be advertised an offer to submit an "Expression of Interest". We could submit our "Expression of Interest"
- More great picnics and lots of interest generated through the website donated by local resident Martin Chadwick.
- 2013
- In May, Friends of Kinaba and Landcare jointly submitted a Friends of Parks small grants application for the materials required to fulfill our proposal, and to revegetate Elanda Plains.
- No further news - surety from the Minister that no management rites have been offered to any parties.
- Members of Friends of Kinaba inducted as National Park volunteers, awaiting permission to begin work.
- Jim Bennett donated a dinghy to transport workers and tools to Kinaba.
- In September, our Workplace Health and Safety Training Officers were able to begin inducting our volunteers, and the work began at Kinaba. Cleaning, oiling, replacing posts, decking, joists and an asbestos inspection.
- More donations from the Boreen Point Community.
- Had many good picnics during the year.
- 2014
- Working Bee and Picnic either side of the full moon in February - more improvements achieved
- 7th May saw a cleaning, painting and wire-brushing bolts working bee
- 2nd June, Al and a few other volunteers checked peeling paint over asbestos for undercoat seal. Undercoat was in good condition in the areas checked on this visit.
- 24th July painting the ceilings where the asbestos has been tested for safety. Also painting beams and more wire-brushing bolts.