Kinaba News

29 May 2024
24 May 2024

Consultation is now open for the draft management plan for the Cooloola Recreation Area. If you care about the future of our natural environment, then it’s important you have a look at the documents provided, and have your say in regards to the Cooloola Recreation Area.

This consultation is long overdue, (The last one was many years ago), and now we have a chance to have our say.  

16 Apr 2024

Corroded fasteners were renewed, prepared timber for railing and balustrade repair, plus safety additions to glass panels.

All carried out by 6 volunteers who crossed the Lake to maintain the Information Centre.

13 Feb 2024

8 intrepid volunteers braved the choppy conditions to continue maintaining the Information Centre.

Various caretaking tasks were completed.

23 Jan 2024

Lots of paperwork discussed and agreed upon, and signed.

New arrangements re wh&s and working bees.

13 Dec 2023

Many jobs attended to on this last maintenance of the year for Kinaba.

Great morning tea.

24 Oct 2023

Seven intrepid volunteers spent the morning oiling decking, checking and treating hardware corrosion and general cleaning at the Kinaba Information Centre.



28 Jul 2023

A great group of volunteers crossed the Lake in cold and windy weather, to spruce up Kinaba Information Centre for groups to visit on their way up through the wetlands to the Upper Noose River.

09 May 2023

8 voluntteers crossed the lake for the third attempt to maintain the Information Centre.

Window and general cleaning completed, door locks replaced, and first aid kit refreshed. 

27 Aug 2022

Lnadcare Group met with speakers from Friends of Kinaba, National Parks and NICA to inform them of the local efforts to maintain the integrity of Lake Cootharaba, Noosa River, Kinaba and the surrounding environments.


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