Friends of Kinaba is a local community volunteer group interested in the protection of the unique values of Cooloola and the Great Sandy National Park, and promoting those values to visitors, and ensuring the Kinaba Information Centre is retained for the benefit of the public.
We are offering volunteers with long-term commitment to the revitalising, maintenance and operation of the Kinaba Information Centre as a vibrant, community-based centre for the dissemination of information to visitors of the Cooloola National Park to enhance their awareness, understanding and enjoyment. Many group members are permanent residents of Boreen Point, and have a long term interest in our natural heritage and commitment to the Cooloola region.
We have willing builders, plumbers and pump specialists, electricians, conservation and land management consultants, administration and finance experience, knowledge of first aid and canoe training, interpretative and botanical knowledge, rescue skills, handyman experience, people ready to sand, scrape and oil walkways, jetties and verandahs, painters and web designers. As this is a lake community, we have the capacity to transport all volunteers to the site by canoe, kayak, sailing boat or dinghy, singly, or as a group.
As well, we have certified coxwains and a Master Mariner who will help National Park rangers with river transport of materials or visitors. All our work will be carried out to DERM standard.
Join us for our History Night
See out latest Friends of Parks funding application
Read about our initial meeting.
See our proposal to QLD National Parks.
Join us for regular picnics at Kinaba.