If you would like to become a volunteer with Friends of Kinaba to help in the resurrection and re-invigoration of the Sir Thomas Hiley (Kinaba) Information Centre, we are informing you of the next induction for volunteers to be held at the Boreen Point Sailing Club on Saturday 12th April 2014 from 8.30am.
This is a requirement of National Parks, for our volunteers to participate in an induction process run by trained Workplace Health and Safety training Officers, in this case our local Ian Skyring, before they can work in a National Park.
It takes about 2 hours, and will include a photographic tour of Kinaba Information Centre indicating evacuation points, instruction in the use of fire extinguishers and the safety features of the building. There is some paperwork.
Please contact info@kinaba.org or Charlie on 5485 3950.
Thank you
The transcription of the History Night is available to read on the website.