Kinaba News

21 Jun 2022

Our first dedicated maintenance trip with the new vessel "Jabiru".

18 Jun 2022

Noosa Integrated Catchment Association secured a grant from a Government Gambling Fund, enabling Friends of Kinaba to purchase this boat.

15 Nov 2021

New members were introduced to a general maintenance working day, followed by a friendly and social morning tea as always.

12 Jun 2021

For 10 years, Friends of Kinaba have been working and enjoying themselves refreshing and maintaining the Kinaba Information Centre.

27 Apr 2021

Friends of Kinaba and QPWS members met at Kinaba to discuss revitalising information, displays and information for visitors. It's been a long wait, and it's very exciting

sunrise on the Lake
10 Mar 2021

Beautiful journey across the Lake to join the dependable team of volunteers oiling, painting and maintaining Kinaba Information Centre.

23 Nov 2020

Right to the end of the year, the intrepid volunteers cleaned, oiled and maintained the Kinaba Information Centre for the enjoyment of the many visitors to the top end of the Lake and beyond. 

12 Oct 2020

Eight wonderful volunteers oiled boardwalks, painted inside the women's restroom, plus cleaned floors and windows, and caught up on general maintenance tasks. Thank you all. Wonderful effort.

02 Sep 2020

What a great way to spend the morning!!!

Four boat crews headed across the Lake and one walk-in, all painted, window cleaned, and did minor fixups here and there. 

18 Jul 2020

Back at Kinaba again last Saturday with 6 new volunteers, and a crew of 14 workers altogether, and 4 vessels to get them all to Kinaba. Painting, oiling and cleaning are always on the menu, as welll as tea and coffee and interesting conversation.


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