Kinaba News

03 Dec 2019

The final working bee at Kinaba for 2019 was a glorious day of oiling, painting and keeping the Information Centre clean and invitiing.

09 Oct 2019

After a wet, windy crossing, intrepid volunteers oiled the new boardwalk and bird hide, painted parts of Kinaba, and cleaned windows and generally made the building look loved and refreshed.

01 Sep 2019

With guest speaker Professor Darryl Jones informing us of connections between birds, us and our environment, more than 40 people enjoyed a trip to Kinaba for the opening of the new boardwalk to the bird hide.

16 Mar 2019

Volunteers have been busy cleaning, polishing, oiling, protecting the beautiful Kinaba Information Centre. A delightful place to visit, a great  place to work. Come and visit.

14 Nov 2018

Our wonderful team of volunteers have cleaned and maintained their way through another year. What a great bunch!!

03 Oct 2018

Another great day of maintenance at Kinaba, with a new highly specialised member included for window washing. Another constant volunteer donated a brand new dustpan and brush, as she has been on the end of the old one, and saw the need - terrific Sylvia - thanks.

10 Jul 2018

Over 2 week days, plenty of finishing off work has been completed at Kinaba - the display room, and the outside kitchen

03 Jun 2018

Ross Belcher, Principal Park Ranger visited Kinaba and spoke about National Park's current activities in the region, and also answered some interesting questions from those attending, on Sunday 3rd June.

17 May 2018

Our annual Winter Picnic will be held on World Environment Day Sunday 3rd June, from 10 am.

There is limited boat transfer available.  First boats leaving Boreen Point boat ramp at 9am - $5 pp please to cover fuel expenses. RSVP ESSENTIAL if you're seeking transport.

Delegates from QPWS will be speaking and tea and good coffee available.

18 Apr 2018

Great day for 5 volunteers, braving the windy, choppy Lake to venture up to oil, clean and mop the Kinaba Information Centre to keep it welcoming for visitors and friends.


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