A huge thank you to Friends of Kinaba volunteers who have participated in the upkeep of Kinaba over the past 12 months. Last Saturday and Sunday 11th and 12th November was the final working bee for the year. Mammoth jobs have been undertaken and completed, including some with the assistance of National Parks' staff who have graciously laboured alongside us over some of the biggest jobs. Thank you very much. Rain or sun, most of our working bees have continued as sheduled, and the work achieved has been monumental - feel free to come along whenever there is a chance to participate. It is a 'working party' in the best sense, in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. The list of projects for this year includes massive painting and oiling sessions both inside and out, refreshing the toilets and showers and living quarters, enlivening the viewing room, and the gallery, and replacing decking including the entire western verandah and parts of the boardwalk. You can be very proud of participating in this wonderful work, and the results you have achieved.