
Great crowd at working bee

Sat 18th July saw the first maintenance event at Kinaba for several months. Ideal conditions to cross the, calm & sunny.

Four vessels ferried eight volunteers, plus six new enthusiastic folk who were inducted as volunteers, on site on the day. 

Cleaning, oiling boardwalks, painting women's toilet and various small tasks were completed, including morning-tea with tea & coffee supplied plus some yummy treats. 

Everyone enjoyed the experience and are keen to return to our regular caretaking program.      

Great day at Kinaba

Last Tuesday 3rd December seven intrepid souls spent a pleasant morning at Kinaba.  They applied another generous coat of oil to the new boardwalk and bird-hide timber, fresh paint to the restrooms, and general cleaning and sweeping up mountains of rat shit! Also some decking along the front of info centre received a coat of oil. Beautiful time of year to head to the Upper Noosa wetlands - one of the pleasures of volunteering at the Kinaba Information Centre/

Working bee 9th October 2019

8 energetic souls braved the elements to catch up with some much needed maintenance and cleaning. It was a windy, bumpy and wet lake crossing to Kinaba and worse conditions on the return journey - often a great opportunity for an adventure.

The recently restored 75 metre boardwalk and bird-hide has now finally been oiled to seal and preserve the timber. Despite the crossing, wonderful volunteers applied fresh paint to the gent's toilet, cleaned windows and floors, and removed the mountains of Swallows' droppings. 

September 1st picnic at Kinaba

A lovely day for crossing the lake, with just enough boats available to ferry the 40 or so enthusiastic folk to Kinaba, to check out the newly re-opened boardwalk leading to the bird-hide. Our guest speaker, Professor Darryl Jones, spoke about birds and their connections with man and his environment.

Tea, coffee and lunch was enjoyed on arrival, followed by Darryl's interesting and entertaining presentation. Darryl had some of his most recently published books available for sale also.

First working bee for 2019

On Wednesday 13th March, 3 volunteers and 4 new inductees braved the weather and concentrated on painting, cleaning windows and floors, oiling the boardwalk and replacing flyscreens.

Working bee Wednesday 14th November 2018

Last working bee for the year was another joyful morning of cleaning, finishing maintenance jobs, and tidying up. What a great small team of wonderful volunteers we have. Thank you.

Working bee 3rd October 2018

The usual dedicated and enthusiastic volunteers once again happyily enjoyed a morning of light duties maintaining the Information Centre. One recently inducted volunteer also joined the party, and specialised in expert cleaning. Everyone's efforts are always highly appreciated. Tea, coffee and a light snack made the morning's tasks even more pleasant. 

Winter working bees Tuesdays 3rd and 10th July

6 intrepid maintenance crew spent 2 half days at Kinaba, cleaning windows and cupboards, finishing painting the ceiling in the display room and manufacturing the door to Bob's outside kitchen.

The building is looking loved and looked after now, and we are pretty proud of the work done over the past 7 years - terrific!!!

National Parks Principal Ranger visits Kinaba Information Centre

Sunday 3rd June, a healthy crowd made their way to Kinaba Information Centre for a lunch and Q and A forum, hosted by Friends of Kinaba. Ross Belcher, Principal Parks Ranger spoke about National Park's current activities in the region, and also answered some interesting questions from those attending, including members from Nooa Intergrated Catchment Authority (NICA) and Noosa Parks Association (NPA). 

Lunch was a byo and cook yourself BBQ which was really enjoyable, and over-all, a pleasant day was shared by many, and included the scenic boat trip across the lake.


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