
July picnic at Kinaba

Just a friendly reminder for you to let us know if you will be able to attend the Special Event Kinaba picnic in association with Noosa Intergrated Cathcment Association (NICA) on 9th July 2016.

working bee 26th May 2016

Working as hard as ever - this time to change to the new National Parks Colours - not quite mission brown.

Good on you blokes!!!

New colours for Kinaba - working bee 16th March 2016

 Big day at Kinaba today. An enthusiastic team of eight steamed from the ramp in three vessels, all carrying cargoes of hardware, tools & materials. Half the team put in a productive 5 hours, & the remainder worked till 3pm to finish replacing the cross-bracing on the viewing room. 

Working bee held on Wednesday 17th February 2016

Today, a wonderful mob of eight dedicated volunteers put in a productive morning at Kinaba Information Centre, cleaning and tackling necessary repairs. This bee they were joined by Noosa councillor Joe Juresevic, who now knows what Friends of Kinaba have been up to. 

November picnic

We had a grey weather start to Sunday morning, but it quickly cleared to a fine, warm and beautiful day. A small group of followers met at Kinaba to enjoy coffee and tea, where we were joined by Steve, Kieran & Blair from Parks. (Blair is mainly responsible for the fabulous make-over (understatement!) of Figtree Point camping and day-use area). 

Working bee Tuesday 20th October 2015

Get a load of this!!!!!

An energetic crew finished painting the display area walls and replaced all the original displays. Don't they look magnificent!! 

Ada at NICA

Ada was invited to give a presentation to members of Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (NICA) at their October 19th "Monday on the deck" function. 

Sunday 17th May for next Kinaba picnic

Wouldn't you like to be up to watch the sun come up over Lake Cootharaba?  Then hop into your kayak or canoe, or walk from Elanda Point, or hitch a ride with a local, and take your breakfast makings to the Kinaba Information Centre, and share a meal on the deck. 

Great change happened at working bee today

This wonderful group of enthusiastic workers gave the inside of the information centre a facelift today with a couple of coats of paint as the first step in re-awakening the room for hanging displays and getting it set up as a welcome to visitors area.

Finally made it

After 3 attempts to get to Kinaba in one piece, the working bee finally happened last Wednesday 25th February.


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